Claims Process
The claims process is straightforward:
File a claim: Submit your affected wallet address, transaction hashes where loss occurred, details of the loss event, and the date of the incident.
Pay a Claim Fee: A nominal fee (as low as 0.00195 ETH) kick-starts the process.
Complete KYC: Quick KYC process through our verification partner, Synaps.
Wallet Screening: Utilizing Elliptic’s advanced relation and risk evaluation engine, Fairside investigators conduct an initial risk assessment.
On-Chain Analysis: Blockchain activity is reviewed to verify the incident using industry-standard investigative tools and years of hands-on experience.
Intelligence Collaboration: Fairside engages with trusted third parties, such as SEAL-ISAC, to compare blockchain and public information.
Governance Review: Fairside's core governance team receives a report from the investigations team (which does not include your personal details or KYC information) and makes a determination.
Payout: Upon approval, you receive your payout.
This approach ensures fair and sustainable coverage for all members and helps catch or deter fraud.
Last updated